Excel Function : LINEST

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Excel Function : LINEST




Returns the parameters of a linear trend

Microsoft Excel Reference Page


Syntax and Description of the LINEST Excel Function

Syntax: LINEST(y-values, x-values, const, stats) The LINEST function returns information about the linear regression trendline of a set of data. This function is useful for analyzing data that has a linear relationship. y-values: The dependent data points that you want to analyze. x-values: The independent data points that you want to use to predict the dependent data points. const: A logical value that specifies whether to force the constant b0 in the equation to 0. The default value is TRUE. stats: A logical value that specifies whether to return additional statistics about the trendline. The default value is FALSE.

About LINEST Excel Function

The LINEST function in Excel calculates the statistics for a line by using the "least squares" method to calculate a straight line that best fits your data. The function returns an array that describes the line. The syntax for the LINEST function is: =LINEST(known_y_values, known_x_values, const, stats) where known_y_values are the dependent data points, known_x_values are the independent data points, const is a logical value that determines whether the line should be forced through the origin (TRUE) or not (FALSE), and stats is a logical value that determines whether additional statistics should be returned (TRUE) or not (