Excel Function : YIELDMAT

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Excel Function : YIELDMAT




Returns the annual yield of a security that pays interest at maturity

Microsoft Excel Reference Page


Syntax and Description of the YIELDMAT Excel Function

syntax Looking for a syntax that I can use in an excel function with vba to check if the value in a cell is equal to a value in an array. If the value in a cell is equal to a value in the array, then I need to return the value of the index of the array that matches the value in the cell. So for example if I have a cell value "H" the index of the array that matches that value is 3, and I want a YIELDMAT function to return the value "3" if the cell value is "H". So far I have the following code: Dim arr() As Variant arr = Array("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "

About YIELDMAT Excel Function

The YIELDMAT function returns the yield of a security with a maturity date. The yield is the return on the investment, expressed as a percentage. The security can be a bond, a note, a bill, or a certificate of deposit (CD).