Excel Function : INTERCEPT

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Excel Function : INTERCEPT




Returns the intercept of the linear regression line

Microsoft Excel Reference Page


Syntax and Description of the INTERCEPT Excel Function

I'm trying to get the syntax for the INTERCEPT function in Excel using VBA but I can't seem to figure it out. I've tried ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddFormula fmFormulaShape, "=INTERCEPT(A1:B5,A1:B5)", xlEdgeLeft, ylEdgeTop, _ Width, Height but that gives me a syntax error. I've also tried ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddFormula fmFormulaShape, "=INTERCEPT(A1:B5;A1:B5)", xlEdgeLeft, ylEdgeTop

About INTERCEPT Excel Function

INTERCEPT returns the y-coordinate intercept of a line using x-coordinates and y-coordinates. Syntax: =INTERCEPT(known_y's, known_x's)