Excel Function : COUNTBLANK

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Excel Function : COUNTBLANK




Counts the number of blank cells within a range

Microsoft Excel Reference Page


Syntax and Description of the COUNTBLANK Excel Function

syntax is: COUNTBLANK(range) COUNTBLANK function syntax COUNTBLANK function syntax COUNTBLANK function syntax COUNTBLANK function syntax How to use COUNTBLANK function in Excel? We can use COUNTBLANK function in Excel in both worksheet and VBA. Worksheet To use COUNTBLANK function in worksheet, we need to select the empty cells in the range and then use the COUNTBLANK function. As you can see, we have selected the cells from A1 to A10. We can see that the blank cells are 3. We can see the blank cells in the formula bar.

About COUNTBLANK Excel Function

COUNTBLANK counts the number of blank cells in a given range.